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Sunshine & Savings: Unlocking Summer Budget Bliss

April 22, 2024

Derek Nolan, Rivers Edge Bank, April 2024

With summer just around the corner, our schedules are going to fill up quickly with trips, activities, and entertainment.  While our schedules fill up, we can also see our wallets and bank accounts empty.  Below are a few money savings tips to help fend off that summer savings drain that we all have experienced in summers past:

Cut the Cord

With a busy schedule and lots of time being spent outside, our TV time is likely to dwindle.  Most of the subscriptions for streaming have monthly options and can be paused for a few months.  Consider cutting a few of them to save on that monthly expense.

Free Summer Entertainment

There are endless opportunities during the summer months to take in a free outdoor concert series or festival.

Dine In

Call up your family/friends and have a grill out instead of going out to eat.  If all of you bring a little something, it can be drastically cheaper than everyone purchasing a meal while dining out and about.

Download the Mobile Banking app

When your life is busy running from event to event, you can still have your banking wherever you go.  You can check account balances, make account transfers, set up account alerts, and deposit checks through mobile deposit.  It becomes a must-have tool for managing your finances while on the go!

Start a Garden

Many have fallen in love with growing their own produce during the summer.  There is a sense of pride and you also save a few dollars on your grocery bill.

Reduce Gas Consumption

When the weather is nice, consider walking or riding your bike to work or an event.  In town trips significantly reduce your gas mileage.  Also, when traveling, consider slowing down as higher speeds reduce your gas mileage.  Studies have shown that optimal gas mileage is obtained in the 55-60 mph range.

Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Make sure your ceiling fans are circulating counterclockwise.  This causes cool air to be pushed down and helps your air conditioner run more efficiently.

Mother Nature is Calling

Find a city or state park to enjoy the outdoors.  Visiting these places usually does not cost much (if anything at all!) and you can quickly fill your day with everything nature has in store (hiking, swimming, bird watching, etc.).

Pack Your Own Snacks and Drinks

If you are on a road trip, multiple stops at the convenience store can add up quickly.  Packing your own drinks and snacks can not only help you save a few dollars, but typically helps you eat a little healthier as well.

Visit Your Local Library

Many libraries have special reading programs in the summer.  Check out their new book, movie, and magazine selections.  Plus, it provides a nice place with some air conditioning for those hot days!

We hope you have a fun-filled summer!  Hopefully you can save a few dollars and still enjoy everything you want to.  And remember, if you have any questions regarding your banking, please do not hesitate to reach out.  We are here to help!

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